Nevada Ranch

Owners: J. Noel & Henrietta Cook

Nevada Ranch is the oldest Appaloosa & Quarter Horse Stud in Australia. The stud
was formerly known as "Running N Ranch" which was situated in Nathalia, Victoria.
During the late 60's and early 70's, the Ranch, that is J.Noel Cook, imported from
the U.S.A nearly 200 Appaloosa & Quarter Horses as well as 3 Palouse Stallions and
2 Paint Horses either for the Ranch's own use or on behalf of clients Australia wide.
February 14th, 1974 is a day history was made. A day that the Appaloosa breed
hit the headlines in newspapers across Australia. Running N Ranch's fifth Annual
Sale was held that day. The Appaloosa Stallions, "Snow Fury" and "Moon Sample"
sold for $36,000 and $34,000 respectively and the Appaloosa colt, "Nevada Chief
Joseph" sold for $20,000, these are just to name a few. Can you imagine what
these prices would be on today's value? At one time, Noel Cook stood twelve
Stallions at Stud. Besides the Appaloosas and Quarter Horses, Noel also stood
"Juco" an imported Paint Horse and "Kadru" a thoroughbred imported from France.
In 1979 Noel downsized and relocated his operations to Lilydale, Victoria where the
stud name was changed to Nevada Ranch. Only very recently has the stud been
downsized again to the point where we now only breed Quarter Horses and stand
"Nevada Leo Wimpy" at Stud. We said a sad farewell to the very last of our lovely
Appaloosas, a filly who we sold to go to Cooktown, Qld. We have also been breed-
ing Miniature Donkeys for many years now. We purchased our first donkey, Nellie
with a plan in mind. We would use this little donkey to bring joy to other people.
It wasn't long until we had 3 of them and in the space of a couple of years we must
have done in excess of 50 visits to all sorts of places including, nursing homes,
schools, kindas, fetes, parades, churches, etc. Many times they also played a
part in Henrietta's many acting roles. Our donkey numbers have increased and
each year we breed these cute, intelligent and unique pets in a variety of colours.
Nevada Ranch prides itself on it's integrity, honesty and Christian principles.
Our excellent reputation is known Australia wide.

Standing at Stud : "Nevada Leo Wimpy" - 16hh Purebred Quarter Horse
Progeny for sale
Standing at Stud: " Nevada Captain" - 35 inch. coloured Miniature Donkey
progeny for sale

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